Introduction Committee

Introduction Committee (ICE)

Oscar "Dice Eater" Price-Nowak (2023) Chair
Marcell "Mars" Zoltán Beke (2023) Activities Coordinator 1
Diana Badita (2023) Secretary
Max Kingma (2023) Treasurer
Vera-Lynn de Jong (2023) Activities Coordinator 2
Franciszek Piotr Warguła (2023) Faculty Introduction Day Coordinator

ICE is short for Introduction for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Every year, before the start of the academic year, this committee organizes the introduction camp for the new first-year students. The ICE organizes the entire weekend, starting with the Faculty Introduction Day (FID) on Friday, where all first-year students are introduced to the faculty. After the FID, the introduction camp starts, where the first-year students enjoy a weekend filled with activities and partying. It is a lot of fun to organize such a big activity and it is a great way to get to know the new first-year students. The applications for the next ICE are open! Do you want to set up this amazing camp yourself? Send your CV + motivation letter to

Most of the work of this committee happens right before and during the summer vacation, and you have to be available the last weekend of the vacation as this is when the introduction period starts. This year this is the 29th to the 31st of August.

The committee consists out of 5/6 people, with the common functions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. And the committee specific functions, Activities coordinator and FID coordinator. The acitivities coordinators are in charge of organizing the activities during and after the camp, think of a pubquiz, sports and games, a party, etc. This function has a significant creative aspect too it. Since last year we have introduced a second activities coordinator into the committee which means you cna share responsibility and brainstorm together. The FID coordinator on the other hand is a bit more of a solitary function as you are in charge of organizing the Faculty Introduction Day, which happens in collaboration with the programme, meaning you will be in contact with the programme coordinators, study advisor, mentors and more. This day is mandatory to attend for all first years so you are really giving them their first impression and setting them up for success.

The committee is in charge of organizing the whole introduction period for first years, so not just the FID and ICE camp but also multiple activities in the first few weeks of the year which is always closed with the ICE Final Party. So you really get to give the new first years a very nice start to their studies.

If you have any more questions, feel free to approach the board. And if you are interested, make sure to apply before the 16th of February 2025! You can apply by sending a short motivation letter and your CV to

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