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A BIC is only required for IBAN's not starting with 'NL'
By checking this mandate, you authorise (A) De Chemische Binding (Creditor ID: NL40ZZZ400238130000) to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from De Chemische Binding. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.


Do you consent to pictures of you, taken during events of De Chemische Binding, being used for promotional purposes? For example, in the lounge and on social media. Click here to download our consent document

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