Career Events

Interested in career events coming up? De Chemische Binding organizes career events throughout the year to help you in your career orientation and training. Whether you are a Bachelor's or Master's student, there is always something to do!

Career activities

These activities are mainly organised by the Lecture Committee and the Business & Acquisition Committee. 

From the Lecture Committee, you can expect interesting academic events that represent extracurricular activities in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering. Their goal is to orientate and inform you on current research and to show you what it looks like working in the academic world, as this could be an interesting career path for you! The committee does this by organizing for the most part the academic lectures, however, also other activities can be expected in order to achieve their goal.

The Business & Acquisition Committee will organize career activities in collaboration with chemical or chemically interesting companies. Their goal is to provide you with a nice orientating view of what you can do after you study in the industry and what kind of companies there are in our sector. What you can expect from this committee are the following activities: lunch lectures, case studies, networking drinks, recruitment dinner etc. Next to that, they will organize the CB Career Day, which is an event where multiple company representatives, of carefully selected companies, will give a short presentation about their career and company. Subsequently, there will be a networking drink, together with all these representatives, to allow you to ask your burning questions and provide you with an ideal opportunity to secure your future! Besides the before mentioned events, they are also responsible for providing you with soft skill workshops, that will stimulate the skills you need for your career. The committee will organize these events together with the External Affairs of the board, this person will fulfil the function of vice-chair in the committee to allow full support from the board.

Do you have any ideas/suggestions for the committees about possible activities or do you want to know more about what is in store for you? Please contact and/or


Every year the Symposium Committee organizes a one-day symposium. The day will be filled with talks by guest speakers from both academia (national and international) and industry who are leaders in their fields. Suggestions for speakers or themes? Please contact


The organisation of excursions is (mainly) done by the External Affairs of the board. We are always open to suggestions, so don't hesitate to come by the lounge or send an email to!

Beta Business Days

The Beta Business Days is a unique two-day career event for all students from the FSE and TeMa. The Beta Business Days gives more than 3500 students the opportunity to investigate their career prospects through company presentations, workshops and case studies. The upcoming edition will take place online on the 16th and 17th of March 2021. Visit for more information!

Career events

Avebe Lecture
  • Career
  • FB 5612.0142

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