Andor Technology - Spectroscopy presentation

About this event

Board 2020 - 2021
Date and time
May 25, 2021 17:00 - 18:00
Blackboard Collaborate Spectroscopy

This is an event for the spectroscopy course in the first year of the bachelor, however feel free to join the event when you are interested! We will make sure to distribute guest links so that you can join the Blackboard Collaborate session.

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XeXe Board 54


Andor Technology introduction

Andor Technology Ltd is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was established in 1989 as a spin out from the Physics Department at Belfast Queen’s University, and it has been part of the Oxford Instrument group specialised in analytical tools since 2014. While the name of the company finds its roots in the fictional Tolkien world (from Andor, the Land of Gift), Andor is in fact at the forefront of the development of high-performance light measuring solutions for science and industry. Its ground-breaking low light imaging cameras, spectroscopy solutions and microscopy systems are being used to develop cures for cancer, explore deeper into space and examine clean energy sources. We are among the world’s most innovative companies in the photonics industry, measuring light down to a single photon and capturing events occurring within 1 billionth of a second.


Talk abstract

Scientific Detectors and Advanced Photonic Solutions

Silicon-based detectors, such as Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) or Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (CMOS), are at the core of numerous scientific applications and discoveries relying on signal information from photons or spectroscopic chemical fingerprints. These range from the analysis of phenomena at sub-atomic level to studying the behaviour of stars and galaxies far, far away, from Infrared to X-ray domain. 

After a quick introduction of Andor Technology, the first part of the talk will highlight the basic principles of CCD and CMOS operation, and define fundamental concepts important for science such as “Sensitivity” and “Signal-to-Noise”. The second part will provide an overview of the wide variety of practical photonic applications that are enabled by cutting edge CCDs or CMOS technology, from advanced material science (solar cells) to chemistry, quantum science (“spooky” quantum entanglement), biomedical (disease detection and treatment), airport security (explosives detection) and astronomy to high energy physics.



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